Friday, March 28, 2014

Shop woodworking plan blanket chest

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Guide to Get furniture projects

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Well i hope this furniture projects post useful for you even if you are a beginner in this field

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Detail Woodworking plans adirondack chairs

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More Woodworking plans queen anne

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Guide Woodworking plans chairs

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Free simple woodworking projects queen size bed

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Guide Woodworking plans and patterns

Woodworking plans and patterns

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

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Learn Kitchen table woodworking plans and patterns

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

It seems I am the only one who couldnt get the ladder toy to work! Heres a video from Ben Johnson showing how his works. Very cool. Thanks Ben!


Mere Minutes

I am really having a lot of fun building the cajon. Its basically done; I am at the finishing stage. A lot of cajones are brightly colored, so I decided to stain mine a deep red. Today I am applying a bunch of coats of brushing lacquer. I thought this video might be of some help if you have never used brushing lacquer.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Shaker Table Home Stretch!

Well, I am in the home stretch of this project. The last thing I needed to do was build the drawer and put the drawer runners in. The drawer is made of maple with a Tiger Maple front. I really like the way the tiger maple compliments the cherry, especially as it darkens. So, here are a couple shots of the drawer, through dovetails in the back, and half blind dovetails in the front.
From Shaker Table
From Shaker Table
Here is a shot of the tiger maple drawer front. You can see the figure in the grain and this will be drawn out with the oil and shellac finish I am putting on it.
From Shaker Table

Well, that is all for now; next time I have pictures it should be all complete. The finish for this is really simple; I am using three coats of tung oil finish and then 3-5 coats of shellac and polished out.

Be Safe!

Make a bent wood photo display stand

Keeping it simple
My favorite kinds of projects are simple ones. Not necessarily easy-to-make projects, but ones that embrace the aesthetic of simplicity. This project intentionally defies complexity: its a bent board with a slot in the edge.

I have made a few bent-lamination projects before. My most successful  attempt was a quilt hanger last year. This time I wanted to simplify the process more by eliminating the need to plane any wood and just ripping thin strips of wood on my table saw. It doesnt really matter how thick they are, mine varied as I moved the fence over for each cut. The thinner you slice the boards, they easier they will bend, but it may require laminating more pieces together to build up the completed thickness of the piece.

For my two photo stands I used five strips of wood each. I cut the middle strip "shorter" than the others to create the slot into which photos would sit. This is a great way to use some of that scrap wood youve been saving. If you are ambitious, I have a sneaking suspicion that these would sell fast at craft shows or maybe even Etsy. Plus it would have a pretty decent profit margin.

What to call it
As I mentioned in the video, I couldnt figure out what I would call this project so I enlisted help from my followers over on Keek. Nearly 100 people offered ideas. One of my favorites was from cbeer69 who suggested merely calling it "Dave". I love the simplicity of that! Unfortunately, very few people are likely to find my video on YouTube by searching for Dave.

The Inspiration Project
Be sure an visit this here web site on Tuesday for a new weekly feature. Im excited about it and eager to see how it develops and where it leads.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Make a wood chain

I really have no idea what use this chain might have, but its fun to make and surprisingly easy. The key is making two simple jigs. Once those are made, you can crank out links by the dozen. Then figure out what to do with the chain!

You will need a flush trim router bit and a roundover bit. Make sure they are sharp: I had a difficult time keeping my dull roundover bit from burning or mangling the wood.

I got the idea for this project from The Router Handbook, by Patrick Spielman. I have a very old edition, but it has been updated since then. Its a good book, especially for beginners.

Porter Cable router

Ive had some time to really test out my new router. You may recall that Porter Cable sent it to me after hearing of my old router woes. The 690LRVS is the first variable speed router Ive owned. It has a 1-3/4 horsepower motor and two collets: one for 1/4" bits and one for 1/2" bits.  Not only that, but its about half as loud as my old router. There is no question that Porter Cable makes sturdy tools.


Forests of Wood

Noticed these also via Swiss Miss. A forest of wood made from scraps of wood. Theres a biting humor to this I think. Stood out to me because of our imminent foray into lathing.

ASCP Painted Flag

Hi there!  Well, I couldnt wait to show you the project my mom and I spent the afternoon working on.  Last week my mom attended an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint class and she loved it and learned so much.  I couldnt attend (my babysitter was at the class - ha!) but she promised to share all that she learned with me.  

For a while now Ive wanted to paint some sort of flag wall art to hang in our upstairs office area (our "theme" is old schoolhouse).  Ive had my eye on the painted American flag they sell at Pottery Barn but didnt want to pay the price they sell it for.  Then my mom had the idea of using the techniques she had learned to paint this flag and we decided to both make one.  

Let me tell you, I fell in love with this paint and all the possibilities.   Now Im dreaming up everything I can use it on! 

Heres the tutorial if you are interested. 

These are our supplies.  Youve probably heard of this paint being expensive, but it does go far and we ordered extra for some additional projects. In the end we calculated this project costing us $26 for each flag and it took us about 3 hours start to finish. 

- Cut piece of pine plywood 26"x48" (which we lightly sanded)
- Coco ASCP
- Emperors Silk ASCP
- Napoleonic Blue ASCP
- Old White ASCP
- ASCP Clear Wax
- ASCP Dark Wax
- Lots of brushes

The first step is to paint your board with the paint color Coco.  We covered this pretty thoroughly since this is the color that would show through once we distressed the flag. 

Next we drew outlines with a pencil for the stripes and a rectangle for the stars.  Since there are 13 stripes, we measured ours 2" wide.  The rectangle dimensions are 14"x20".

Next we painted the stripes and the rectangle.  (The red paint is Emperors Silk, the blue is Napoleonic Blue and the white is Old White.)  We didnt worry about the painting being perfect; in fact, we wanted it to look old and distressed so a lot of the Coco background shows through. 

Next came painting the stars.  This was a little more challenging and I dont have one great tip to share with you... I pretty much winged it by measuring and marking with a pencil a spot where each star would be painted. 

We used a "stencil" we made simply by printing out a star onto a piece of cardstock and cutting it out. 

Now came the fun part... the wax!  At this point we could see our flags had potential but my mom promised they were going to look great by the time we used the wax techniques she had learned.

We applied a coat of clear wax all over the flag in a circular motion and followed by buffing it with an old t-shirt. 

Next we distressed with sandpaper.  I only sanded the edges of my flag... the flag already looked very distressed since my painting was deliberately light in some areas. 

Next we used the dark wax to create that old antique look.  I was scared to apply this wax... look how dark it is! 

And when I first applied it I definitely had an "oh no" moment because this was a little more of a primitive look than I wanted  Then my mom remembered she had learned that to remove the dark wax, you can simply apply the clear wax again and buff it out. 

We were so excited then because the look it created was exactly perfect!  If you look closely at the picture above, you can see in the stripes area on the top of the flag that the white has a definite yellow tint... the lower half  has an antique look, but is still white, which is the look that was created by applying the clear wax again and buffing after the dark wax.  Pretty neat! 

We finished by rubbing Kraft paper all over the flag... this creates a sheen and gives the flag a smooth finish. 

I really loved working with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  I thought it was amazing how the layers of paint, the distressing, the waxing, all created such an "old" look.  I dont think anybody would ever  guess that this is just plywood!

Youll see my flag again once I figure out how to hang it!  This flag is actually pretty heavy, so Ill let my husband take over now.  (smile)

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Woodworking items now for sale!

Well, since I have been sidelined with my knee injury, I thought I would get into turning pens. Ive had a lot of fun doing it so Ive taken the next step and I have put some up for sale. I have opened a store front on Right now I only have a few pens up there, but Im going to be putting more up there so you can subscribe to my store as a feed. Later on, I am also going to build some small boxes and put them up there as well. Again, Im just a hobbyist, but if you can make a little money here and there, why not. Etsy is nice because it is dedicated to handmade items and their costs are very reasonable. So, check out the welcome!

Be safe!

Now thats a gate

Riaan Kritzinger sent over pictures of his gate that he made out of English Oak. Its really stunning. I like gates that have the top rail, like a door. It looks nice and really strengthens the gate.

Wanted to share this project from 12-year-old woodworker Avery L. who made a display case using his dads jig saw. Nice work Avery!

Last week I posted a video from Festool showing how to make a really neat peg-cutting jig. Its a great, inexpensive router technique from a manufacturer of really expensive tools! Scott Claridge jumped right on that and used it to make a whole bunch of tenons for a balustrade fence.

I love this cutting board design from Mark Dennen. For his first attempt, he built this using Oak and Walnut. If you still havent made a cutting board, give it a try. They are fun and make great gifts.

And just when you were really tired of benches, Bill Wilson, (Ive posted lots of his stuff here) jumped on that bandwagon. He is now a member of the club. We need a secret handshake.

Having a bit of fun with my Facebook cover image this week, changing it every day. Well really just adding to it. Kind of an interactive art piece built by viewers! Haha. Check it out. Im curious what it will look like on Saturday.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Touches of Spring in the Living Room

This weekend I did some spring decorating in our living room.  Our mantel is my favorite thing in our living room... we actually have four mantels total downstairs! I purchased the picture above the mantel several years ago and it is still something I love.  Supposedly it was made locally with wool. 

My seasonal decorating is simple, but I like to bring in a few elements that reflect the time of the year.

The fireplace is non-working, unfortunately.  When we moved in we removed the cover and exposed the beautiful brick and an old grate.  I quickly made the rabbit silhouette pillow on the chair this weekend with some scrap fabric. 

The yellow fabric is so cheerful.

Yesterday I made this flower garland.  Ive had this idea for a while and finally went to our nearby quilt store to purchase some fabric.  Ill share the tutorial later this week.  It was such a fun project and I love the dimension it adds to the mantel!

The tin hanging on the wall was the cover we removed to expose the inside of the fireplace. 

I couldnt help but cut a few more cherry blossom branches this weekend to bring into the living room.  The blossoms are so beautiful. 

The firewood racks are original to the house.  We found them buried in the shed and I gave them a fresh coat of black paint and use them in the living room to store photo albums and scrapbooks. 

A peek of our red couch.  Weve had it for years and I still love it! 

Willow branches on the entryway table.  You can make the simple painted "grain sack" runner by following this tutorial. 

A beautiful nest. 

I love spring time and couldnt resist decorating for the season since we are having unusually warm and beautiful days!  We spent as much time outside this weekend as possible.  The girls and I enjoyed laying in the shade listening to the birds chirping.  

Happy Spring!