When you watch one of the videos, one of the first things you think is "is this from a TV show?". Keiths film making background is very apparent in the great quality videos and sound. Whats even more neat, to me, is you dont even know hes there...its like you are standing there with the artisan and they are talking to you.
About the site itself. One of the first things you notice about the site is how clean it is; no unnecessary graphics, no ads, no pop-ups, just great content. Next, when you click on the videos, again, no ads, no endorsement, nothing...except if you consider "watch more of my free videos" an ad or endorsement. Oh, did I mention free? Yep, free! No subscription, no registration, just click on the video and go! You can, as I have, subscribe to his site, via an RSS feed or through email, if you like as well so you dont miss a single episode. While you are there, dont forget to go to the Links section and check out some of the other blogs and sites that Keith has there; there are a ton of great sites there.
WoodTreks, its full of great information, its clean and concise, and best of all...its FREE!
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